“Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distance journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and slavery of home, man feels once more happy. The blood flows with the fast circulation of childhood….Afresh dawns the morn of life”
Sir Richard Francis Burton, 1821 – 1890
Our adventure into the Mekong Delta departs our South Saigon store and heads off to My Tho city for the first stage of our 5 nights and 6 full riding days, 450km loop through the fabulous Delta. Our route winds it’s way through some of the most inspiring country, inhabited by friendly country folk whom work the land as they have for centuries! Book early as group numbers are limited to a maximum of 9 and a minimum of 6. See our Tour Calendar below for tour dates. Contact us on Saigon Cycles FB page or mai@saigoncycles.com for information about our tours.

Sunday Rides
The ‘Sunday Ride’, which leaves our Phu My Hung shop every Sunday at 6:00AM, has become almost a local institution amongst the bicycling fraternity of Ho Chi Minh City. For nearly ten years now we have been conducting a regular ride out into the countryside and to say we have covered some territory is an understatement! Our routes cover a combined area of some 1,200 square kilometers and around 1,600km of trails, tracks, back-country roads and thoroughfares. Every week is different and because we only get back to each route after a 6 week rotation the changing seasons make each ride a new adventure and, as they note in many travel advice journals ‘things change, roads open, others close, others are improved or degraded, it’s always a “what will we find around the corner” exercise on our rides.